This application is only compatible with VUGERA UX9 and QX8 series dash cameras equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity.
■ This application is only compatible with iPhones that run iOS 13 or later for the following dash camera products:
. VG-UX9
. VG-QX8+ and VG-QX8 with Wi-Fi
■ Features:
. Users can access "Live View" feature while installing the dash camera to ensure optimal viewing angle
. Dash camera settings and preferences can be adjusted via this application
. Playback of recorded driving videos (front and rear cameras)
. Download and export recorded videos from the dash camera to your iPhone
■ Information:
. Requires iOS 13 or later
. VG-UX9 requires firmware update of 1.0.1 or higher
■ For FAQ and/or troubleshooting related to the application, please visit the official website ( for more information.